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The play, Bayen, by Mahasweta Devi has taken to examine the ways in which the society oppressed the life of a woman and the oppressed subject finds her identity through confrontation. It deals with the oppression of Chandidasi, the protagonist,whoisforcedtogiveupherinnateidentityandboundtoaccepttheimposedidentity.Chandidasi, the Bayen, though comes from an esteemed origin in her community of Kalu Dome, resists many oppression, personally and socially. She is not only rejected from her family and society but also deprived of her moralities which deserve her as a human being. Herbrave death for a sensitive social demand finds her identity in the midst of high illusory and patriarchal world. MahaswetaDevibringsoutthepeopleofcountrysidewhobelieve insuperstitionanddemonstratesthesufferingsofamother.Thispaperwillconcludethewaysinwhichthe life of a womanisenforcedthroughrelentlessoppressionandshe herself construct her identity through self-sacrifice.

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