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In the era of artificial intelligence as pervaded everywhere, the changes in socio-cultural environments is imminent as male and female in India are exposed to information and empowerment, consequently acquainted and possess good  knowledge and skills which further aggravates employees to be nurturing, demanding, pestering employers through unionism and other forms. Subsequently organizations are forced to deliver products of highest quality and at reasonable and competitive prices.  It is possible only when the organizations are able to achieve productivity.  One among the important means of achieving productivity as all know is improving Quality of Work life in the organization. 

It is for this purpose, this study has been conducted in select software companies in Chennai in order to know whether Quality of Work life is prevailing or not and on the basis of the findings of the study, necessary suggestions have been given in order to improve Quality of Work life. The research study explicate the descriptive details of Quality of Work Life among the select software companies in Chennai. The mainstream of the study is based on walton’s eight factor model of quality of work life such as; Fair and adequate compensation, Safe and healthy Working conditions, Use and development of human capacities, Opportunities for career growth, Social integration in organization, Constitutionalism in the work organization, Work and total space of life, Social relevance of the work in the life.

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