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The accumulation of heavy metals in plants pose a serious problem for plants, animals and humans as these metals are non-biodegradable and persistent pollutants that cannot be eliminated by incineration. Another risk of heavy metal pollution comes from alterations in species diversity, vegetation cover and biomass, therefore, study of heavy metal accumulation in plant parts including seed and seed oil is important in order to know the contamination in surrounding and safe use of the plant parts. Since, plant depends on soil, water and air for their nutritional and other requirements, so, any contamination in plant is an indication of contamination in soil, water and air in surrounding of plant. In this study, physico-chemical properties, fatty acid composition and heavy metal content in seed oil of Salvadora persica is determined. Interestingly a high percentage of saturated fatty acids (87.3%) is found, which indicates the potential of this oil to be used in soap and detergent industry. The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn) in seed oil of Salvadora persica is determined using atomic absorption spectroscopic method. The concentrations of metals Cd (2.2 mg/l), Cu (1.8 mg/l), Fe (26 mg/l), Pb (3.5 mg/l), Ni (2.8 mg/l) and Zn (3.7 mg/l) were found in seed oil sample. Presence of toxic metals Cd and Pb above the threshold concentrations prescribed for plants indicates the ability of plant to uptake metal from soil, water and air. This ability of the plant can be further utilized in phytoremediation and as a bioindicator for determination of pollution levels in urban areas.

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