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Education is very important for human development.  It was born with the birth of the child and shall continue to function till the death of the human being.Through education man becomes 'man' and role model for family, society and nation. Education cannot be possible without knowledge and education is the only key that can solve all the problems of human, because it provide opportunity to improve their skills to move towards the direction of development. Since education is important for the development of a developing nation like India, many steps have been taken to increase the number of children enrolled for education. Education has been made very important and integral part of national development efforts. After independence, an attempt has been made to provide education for all sections of the society. To strengthen the Indian education system, educational policies and various schemes are adopted by the centergovernment. In order to achieve the aims and objective of   universalization of primary education various schemes and programs prepared by the government from time to time has helped to increase the enrollment of the students in the school.

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