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Psychological and emotional growth of a child depends on the varied experiences of success, failure, and frustration (Eccles, J. S. et al., 1997). But unfortunately the affluent parents keep their children away from undertaking the expected challenges of childhood and indulge them with materialistic possessions which often create an insulation that makes the children handicap to face any adversity. Research suggests that the environment in which people operate activates explicit or implicit norms which, in turn, might influence the tendency to cross the ethical line

The present research study has empirically investigated the hypothesis that the abundance of wealth may influence people’s propensity to engage in unethical behavior.The students, in the age range of 18-24 yrs. from different colleges and universities of Punjab & Chandigarh, were approached. Mattison Affluenza Scale (2012) was administered to identify a sample of 100 affluent & 100 non-affluent students.

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