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Sustainable development of all nations is crucial factors which is possible through women empowerment. Women empowerment is must to all the counties, it is has become the slogan and motto and it may social reformers.  Experts and leaders are agreed that the half of the population is deprived of basic human rights life social dignity, the term development itself requires a definition. India is a welfare State, committed to the welfare and development of its people and of vulnerable sections in particular. Socially disadvantaged groups of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes have received special focus over the years for their social and economic advancement. The main objectives of the present study are: (i) to study the socio-economic status of the SC women in Coimbatore district ; (ii) to examine the social empowerment of the Scheduled Caste women in Coimbatore District and (iii) To give suggestions to the development of social empowerment of scheduled caste women in Coimbatore District. Social empowerment meant that removal of all the existing socially induced inequalities, disparities and other persisting problems besides providing easy access to basic minimum services.

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