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John Keats (1795-1821), one of the British Romantic poets, is fundamentally noted for being a dreamer, who is discovered on numerous occasions to get away from the universe of reality so as to be in a perfect world, liberated from dull and burdensome issues of day-today life. In a considerable lot of his sonnets, he had been untiring in drawing a complexity between the genuine and the perfect. Mulling over his short life expectancy, John Keats is as yet positioned among the incredible poets in English Literature. This article plans to uncover the characteristics of Keats as a man and poet. These characteristics are shown in his incredible Odes particularly the Ode to a Nightingale. Investigation of the tribute indicated Keats had strength of rock in himas a man and as a poet he received a position considerably more respectable than a large numbers of his contemporaries and set him high in the rundown of incredible English poets. Ode to a Nightingale is frequently referred to demonstrate Keats' idealism, as the poem is solidly established on Keats’ staggering energy for the innovative universe of the Nightingale, where he looks to get away incredible easy passing[i].



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