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Increased use of Internet and mobile has drastically changed the face of marketing in each and every industry. In today’s digital age, the Internet has intensely transformed the way business is done. The manufacturing industry in India being no different, has discarded the traditional business model and shifted to social media so as not be left behind. Social media is a crucial and essential venue for manufacturing companies to feature in now. Consumers now compare, shop, and buy manufacturing products online – either through PCs, laptops or mobile phones. The objective of this paper is to understand the shifting drift of shopping and product comparison among the consumer base, which has obligated the manufacturing industry to shift online as well, so as to match and cater to customer expectations. The paper also highlights the importance of inbound marketing which is a technique to attract customers towards products and services via original content which is delivered in the form of blog articles, videos, lead magnets, and social media posts.

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