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Regional rural bank is furnishing easy and small credit services to the people of weaker section living in rural India. The Tripura GraminBank has been performing its operation in Tripura with 144 branches by helping the state for financial inclusion. In the presented paper, an endeavour has been made to measure the operational performance of Tripura Gramin Bank and thus,secondary data has been collected from the Annual Reports of Tripura GraminBankforthe period ranging from 2003-04 to 2016-17. The performance of Tripura Gramin Bank is measured through deposit mobilization, credit deployment, and status of CD ratio along with NPA. However, the study reveals the operational performance of Tripura Gramin Bank is improved   in terms of saving deposit, current deposit, term deposit, priority sector lending, non-priority sector lending, the status of C/D ratio, and NPA during the study period.

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