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Communication plays a vital role in every step. Communication helps us to express thoughts, ideas and views effectively. This helps in understanding the processes, systems and roles more clearly. Communication also helps to define goals, objectives and steps to achieve them. Organizations spend time and resources to create a workforce with a focus on effective communication skills which lead to individual as well as organizational growth. Assessment centres are run to identify and evaluate behaviours based on various competencies critical for organization’s success. We recently had an experience of running around 15 development centres across India.  Being a co-ordinator/centre manager in for these centres, we observed several issues related to ineffective communication. During the process, participants had to undergo various simulation exercise like, presentation, group discussion, role plays, competency based interview. Communication played a vital role across all these exercises. In these simulation exercises participants were required to express their views through oral and written communication. What we observed was that they struggled to get across their views to others in a range of exercises.  We found that participants were less adept in articulating their ideas clearly due to lack of communication skills.

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