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As the Internet has grown dramatically every year since the beginning of the 1990s, the diffusion of the Internet has involved many aspects. Its influence has reached not only the technical fields but also throughout the general society as we have moved toward increasing the effectiveness of online tools. Besides, our knowledge of why consumers systematically differ in their tendency to seek out new products is still sparse. In order to have a better explanation, this study approached this matter from the diffusion of innovations perspective. The overall findings regarding the awareness of spy software indicated that the respondents have some level of awareness of Internet spy software, but are not well aware of what spy software is and what it is capable of. Respondents with higher level of awareness of spy software are likely to have lower level of security concerns, and it was confirmed that respondents with lower level of innovativeness characteristics are more likely concern about their security. Of innovativeness characteristics, only domain-specific innovativeness was positively related to the level of awareness of spy software in the current study. It was also found that more time they spent online per week and the longer they have been online shopping adopters have a significant influence on their level of awareness of spy software. Lastly, in terms of innovativeness characteristics and personal values, each of different personal values displayed unique predictive power on different innovativeness characteristics.

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