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The word 'food' refers to the chemical substances consumed by individuals in order to keep their body in a healthy and active condition. The human body requires food for growth, repair and replacement of its worn-out tissues. Hence, food has to provide the required raw material, energy and other substances, like vitamins and for the smooth functioning of the body, besides meeting the calorific requirements like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc., India is the world’s second largest producer of food next to China and deemed to be potential of being biggest industry with food and agricultural sector contributing 32 per cent to Indian GDP.  In India, majority of food consumption is still at home. Homemade food products get special attention from customers. Nevertheless, out-of-home food consumption is increasing due to increase in urbanization, breaking up of the traditional joint family system, desire for quality, time which translates into an increased need for convenience, increasing number of working women, rise in per capita income, changing lifestyles and increasing level of affluence in the middle income group had brought about changes in food habits.

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