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In this Hi – Tech World “Go Green” is the most needed concept. The Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices in all the sectors are a needed one in today’s world. The major concept of GHRM is “Environmental Considerations” which promotes “Social Implications” towards environment. “Going Green”, “Greening the Environment” and “Environmental Friendliness” were few of the most mandatory process to be evaluated by each and every individual for their social responsibility. In this modern era robots are considered very important in which they can replace for the human works. Everything got digitalized. But each human is having his/her own responsibility to take care the nature. Each one should save nature not only for the present scenario but also mainly for the future generations, so that they can enjoy environmental thrive. Else humans will be replaced by robots for an “Ever Green Future”. Thus considering the environment and other major issues this work aims to explore “Green Environment”, “Go Green” concepts and “Green HRM Practices” in three IT companies Sasken, TCS, and Wipro in Chennai.

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