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The backbone of any marketing strategy in the recent years is advertising and business organisations willingly spend huge amount in advertising their products. In the past, there were very few medium available to advertise. Due to the growth in Information and Communication Technology, the organisations have thousands of platforms to advertise their products. Advertisements not only provide information but also act as persuading means. The study has been undertaken to recognise the persuading act of advertisement in the buying behaviour of consumers. It was found through the research that people tend to watch television advertisements more than any other medium of advertisement and are truly influenced to purchase through the advertisements. The result of the research found that the respondents purchase cosmetics more than any other product followed by garments. More than half of the respondents were satisfied with the purchase of their product. The advertisers must try to project true information about the product and this will even more improve their brand identity and serve as a means of persuading the consumers to seek for their goods.

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