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Cotton crop is one of the main crops in India and enjoy pride of place and unique place in our country. It is largely cultivated in rain fed conditions and 74% of the area in our country is dependent on rainfall, while the remaining areas have access to supplementary irrigation. There was severe shortage for food grains during their Second World War and the nation had to increase the productivity by using chemical fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers vary radically from other product in the type of satisfaction provided to the Cotton growers. Fertilizers provided only an indirect satisfaction that too, only fit used as a part or total package of scientific forming practice volume wise to the cotton growers products were not much a model to the fertilizers. “A Study on cotton grower’s satisfaction towards Vijay fertilizer in Perambalur district” is carried out with a purpose to find out the cotton grower’s satisfaction towards vijay fertilizer and to determine the cotton grower’s mentality towards using the vijay fertilizer. The research mainly focuses on the factors like quality, cotton grower’s preference, price, service, attitudes and experience of cotton growers.

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