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The performance of an industry can be seen in its financial statement.  In the changing scenario of the Indian economy may revise the existing practices and policies of the company to obviate the obstacles by modifying the financial operation.  On the strength of the financial structure, the industry can take any financial decision on the future scenario.  Hence analyzing the present and past trends of the financial structure is the very essential one to take any concrete steps for the changing climate.  All the endeavors of the industry can be determined by the level of profit attained by the industry, liquidity condition and solvency capacity of the firm against the claims of its shareholders, creditors, investors and so on.  Hence this is concentrated on analyzing the financial statement of the industry in terms of liquidity and solvency, profitability and efficiency.  The soundness of the industry is on its profit that sets everything as good. Therefore to avail the opportunity and estimate the challenges the financial statement  are considered to analyse the profitability, liquidity and efficiency ratios of the Steel Authority of India  to test the financial health the Altman’s Z-score model is applied.

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