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Education for a sustainable future – ESF. Fosters an understanding of the interconnectedness of ecology, economics and social equity. It utilizes a multi – disciplinary, learner centered approach and an innovative and participative style to sensitize and empower individuals, especially student to think act and re-act as responsible citizen and to find sustainable solution to real life issues, at local, national and international levels. Sustainable development in a globalizing world. Globalization as it is taking place today is increase Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well developed wisdom. It has one of its fundamental aspects of imparting culture from generation. It is an application of pedagogy, a body theoretical and applied research related to teaching and learning. The basic aim of the education system for sustainable development is education of a new man, a man of a sustainable type of thinking, a man of Cosmo -  planetary consciousness with a holistic world outlook, who has a culture of sustainability high socio – cultural needs and deep moral ethical values, who is capable to solve global task facing by mankind and to promote the farming of sustainable society.

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