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India has a history going back thousands of years with several custom, culture, traditions, epics, belief, hospitality also it is the largest democratic country of the world.  In India, crimes against women are increasing day by day especially rape. Rape is considered as one among the most violent offence. This offence is viewed as most dangerous and degenerative in nature. Judiciary is empowered to punish the lawbreakers. The punishment for rape varies from country to country depending on their social and legal system. In India, punishment for rape is based on Indian Penal Code, 1860- Section 376 sub- section (2) which is severe (rigorous) punishment. The punishment is severe but never certain and prompts. The reasons for awarding punishment are to inflict the pain of punishment, rehabilitation of the offender and to control crimes in the society. Even though we have effective punishment system, criminal justice agencies (CJA) are unable to control offence of rape. Every citizen have different opinion on the punishment for rape while law students will have a different assertiveness on this issue. The students of law are taught of crime and punishment in depth. These students after successful completion of the law course will be a legal practitioner such as defense counsel, public prosecutor, advocate or judge under judiciary.

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