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Adolescence is a period of change and growth. At this stage, the girls get to know a better picture of who they are, their inimitable positives and talents, and how well they are a fit to the society around them. The period of change brings new chances and challenges that are vital for the development but at the same time it could also be confusing and stressful. Adolescence bring in a time of experimenting, soul search and gradual increase of independent living. In each stage, girls would go through multiple confusing questions of self-inquiry like Who am I? Where I am going in life? Am I normal? This is the point where the girls get an outbreak of emotional imbalance that leads to stress. The girls try to challenge their parents and other adults, break rules, take risks, spot feelings, find their voice, experience success, identify morality, develop a belief system and become self-sufficient. Physical, intellectual, emotional and social developments are the most common stages where they face many triggers that affects their mental health.

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