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Violence against women comprises a wide range of acts from verbal harassment and other forms of emotional abuse, to daily physical or sexual abuse. At the far end of the spectrum is femicide: the murder of a woman. Femicide has been defined as the murder of a woman and has devastating consequences for the individual well-being, safety and health of those affected and for the whole society.  The purpose of this article is to identify violence against the women comprises a wide range of acts from verbal harassment and other forms of emotional abuse, to daily physical or sexual abuse. Femicide has been addressed in different contexts, including intimate partner violence, stranger violence, rape and other sexual violence, and so called honour and dowry practices, as well as murders associated with gang activity and political violence. In this paper, the investigator focused on according to Vienna declaration in 2013, Devries and Russel, femicide is on the extreme end of a continuum of death. 

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