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The Indian constitution has embodies within itself ground for gender equality. The fundamental right and Fundamental duties work towards shaping policies and ensuring safeguards but not for women privacy. As the Civilization is expanding as new inventions and technological advancements are occurring, on the other side right to privacy is at stake. It’s high to time to talk about Right to Privacy and its implications for women. The right to life should be right to enjoy life without the intrusion of anyone - “The Right to be let alone”. In the invasion of privacy, Injury is an attack upon reputation or a violation of honour, which is non-physical but real, and similar injuries should punishable by law in a serious manner. After continuous efforts, finally in Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd) vs. Union of India Supreme Court reiterated the view and guarantees victory for right to privacy and the judgment marks the beginning of making a genuine difference to the lives of the citizens.

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