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Gender rampage discrimination is a social evil of favouring the males over females. Though predominantly seen among traditional families, gender discrimination is a universal phenomenon being practiced both at home and in the society around. In India, gender discrimination favouring men is evident from ancient times as is seen in sex ratio, life expectancy, literacy rate, morbidity and mortality rate, school enrolment, school dropout, job opportunities and in the economic and political participation of the women. Females here continue to be at a disadvantage and face barriers that restrict their access to resources and inhibit their ability to make informed choices in various walks of life. Gender inequality damages the physical and mental health of millions of girls and women across the globe, and also of boys and men despite the many tangible benefits, it gives men through resources, power, authority, and control (WHO 2016). Different gender norms exist for adolescent boys and girls, ( Marston C, King E 2006) especially in India. Evidence is increasing that gender norms – social expectations of appropriate roles and behavior for men (and boys) and women (and girls) – directly affect attitudes and health-related behavior.

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