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Women in sports all over the world have pushed boundaries, and there where lot of sports for them but not even fifty percent have been televised in media when compare to Men. In sports women are not really given preference unless they win big. People also justify by saying women’s Physical condition were not really built for doing sports. While sports events aim to promote values of fairness, there is also a dark side, Violence against women and girls occurs in all over the world and happened in many situations, Tracking Women and girl children for sexual exploitation vastly increases during sporting Mega events like Olympics and World cups.  Other obstacle factors one women athlete comes across were Gender Pay, Biological difference, Economic returns, Media coverage, Positions in Origination, and Pregnancy. Mega sports events bring millions of people together and the potential to leave social and economic legacies, contribute to universal values of equality and non-discrimination and also they can empower athlete and challenge enormous outreach and the visibility of role models.

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