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In the whole world, the violence is invariably seen / done to the Baby Infants, Girl Child and Women (young, adult and old) in many forms, ways, means, various methods, different angels, notations and amount. It may be seen/analyzed/studied under the captions of 1) Domestic violence, 2) Physical Violence, 3) Cultural violence, 4) Religious Violence, 5) Socio-Economic Violence, 6) Family Violence, 7) Patriarchy, 8) Sexual Violence, 9) Psychological Violence on girl / women. It happens not only in India but also it is not uncommon all over the world, and it is prevalent everywhere in the universe. The violence  happens / occurs in every race (White/Black), age( 0+ to60+),stages (infants/childhood /adolescence/ young/adult/old), culture (civilized / highly civilized /under civilized ), locale (rural / urban ) different faiths, religion (Hindu/Christian / Muslim, Sikhs /Parsi /Zoroastrian etc.), education (illiterate /literate / educated) community(forward / backward/ scheduled), S.E.S (low/ high strata)profession (white collar /blue collar job). Though the State and Union Government are trying to prevent and stop the Violence by means of Punishment, Penalty, Jail, serious and stringent Law etc., still, it is pestering evil, menace and dangerous issues to be solved completely and thoroughly.

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