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In the modern era technology and smart phones are attached with our life, particularly the mobiles are take place like the third hand in our body. In this paper the investigator tries give awareness of smart phone safety Apps for women in critical situation. The investigator conducted a survey about the awareness of women safety Apps at their residential apartment in Pallavaram. The samples are of the smart phone user women in the age between 18 years to 55 years. Totally 114 women are responded through their whatsApp group. The majority of women are unaware of the emergency Apps. Though the government vigilant and careful, women always friend with the government and police in emergency situations. All the women‟ safety apps are there for women who feel vulnarable and unprotected or face
unpleasant situations. After the Nirbhaya case the private agencies and government has introduced many Apps for women safety.Apps like these are to be made familiar among women and needs to be mandatorily installed on every woman‟s smartphone to ensure their own safety.

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