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Ninety-nine percent of maternal deaths due to pregnancy and its complications occur in developing countries. Similarly, a large number of neonatal deaths and stillbirths occur every year. Some 95% of total maternal and child deaths occur in 75 low- and middle-income countries and countries in the Asia region are at high risk. It has been estimated that, for each stillbirth, there is one neo-natal death. However, more than 70% of newborn deaths are prevent-able with evidence-based practices. Reducing maternal and neonatal deaths is an integral part of the global agenda to achieve millennium developmental goals (MDGs)  by 2015. Despite of encouraging improvements in reducing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in India, still more efforts need to be devoted to reduce the Maternal & Infant Mortality Rate. This paper proposed web based application mCARE system to collect maternal/Infant details and sending the SMS alerts message to reminding their check up/vaccination schedule.

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