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The economic pressures of inflation, influence of the women’s movement and the psychological need to develop one’s self identity are encouraging the women to take a more active role outside the home to pursue full time career. This shift from private to public domain gives an impression that woman that finally liberated from shackles of patriarchal norms. However, closer look at the scenario makes us realize that working women face new set of problems involving both job and family.This paper explores the incidence of anxiety among working women in North Bihar. The result surprisingly reveals a high incidence of work-life imbalance among working women in North Bihar. It can be used as an eye-opener for both the employees and employers who need to see this issue as a seriously and take corrective action. The Bihar that was and is still now known for caste-based massacres and violence is not visible here with the usual force and menace. As in the case of various economic-social indicators, violence and conflict in this region is at a low pitch.

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