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As Abraham Lincoln puts it, Democracy is formed “by the people, for the people and of the People.” Democracy without public participation is paralyzed. Public participation is dynamic and active process to make possible for government to implement the bottom-up approach. Government functioning should be a two-way process, information should pass from government to public and vice-versa. It is not right to blame the government, sometimes, citizens also fail to do their part. Welfare policies formed by government, often are unable to reach the very roots of public and reason for this isn’t just the government but those beneficiaries too. In Policy making process government puts up the draft for public or experts review, and we may convey our suggestion, if found valid it will be considered by the government. In this research work attempt has been made to know the level of public participation in Policy formulation process in Rohtak district of Haryana state. Primary data has been collected from 100 people in the age group of 20-40, compromising of 25 male working and 25 male non-working, along with it 25 female working and 25 female non-working.[1]


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