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Work-life balance is one of the most challenging issues being faced by the employees in the 21st century because of the type of roles they play at home and the spillover of personal life over work life. Consequences of good Work-Life Balance benefit the organization in a variety of ways as improved performance, increased productivity, augmented employees satisfaction and happiness, sound well-being, enhanced organizational image, improved employee retention, reduced cost, reduced stress and improved quality of life and so on. Likewise, the consequences of poor WLB can be a low level of morale and motivation, increased number of grievances, work-family conflict, productivity level, poor organizational image, poor quality of work life, poor quality of life and so on. The main objective of the study is to analyze the factors that influence Work-Life Balance and its Outcomes and to analyze the Work-Life Balance among the Employees across their demographic characteristics. For this purpose a sample of 116 was collected from employees of the companies with ITeS industry in Coimbatore and statistical tools were used to analyse the data and the conclusion is that the companies should take care of employees work load to balance the work life.

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