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As per the rules of Indian Constitution suspension of state government and state is administered by Central Government which is under President's rule. In the Indian constitution Article 356 communicates that if a state government can't work as per constitutional arrangements, Central government can assume direct responsibility for the state apparatus. In Indian Constitution Article 356 oversees presidential discretionary powers of emergency, has for quite some time been the favored subject of political discussion - and, on occasion, the reason for a lot of anger - inside the legal intellectual network in India. The recorded improvement of this Article makes us measure the strategy for thinking behind its thought in the principal draft of the Constitution. In this paper we have explored the strategies behind the gathering of Article 356 by each state government and their proposal for popularity based surface of India. By this paper, the writer analyzes the extent and points of confinement of Article 356 and different Articles in sanctuary to it. It additionally focuses on the forces and job of the Governor and President in connection to article 356 and their extent and scope of Judicial Review.

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