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The present research was designed to compare the shoulder strength between Basketball players of technical and non-technical universities of Haryana state. The data was collected from total six technical and non-technical universities (3-3 each) of Haryana state. Only the male basketball players were selected as subjects. Total forty eight (N=48) Basketball players were selected as subjects from these technical and non technical universities in equal proportion. To check the shoulder strength ability of Basketball players, Pull ups (AAHPER-YFT) was used as data collection tool. After the collection of relevant data, to know the difference between shoulder strength ability of Basketball players, unpaired t-test was employed on mean values with the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 17.0. The level of significance was set at 0.05 percent (p<0.5). After the analysis of data it was found that the Basketball players of non technical universities had better shoulder strength ability than Basketball players of technical universities of Haryana.

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