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As the globalization is growing, firms are going international and from international, they are growing global. Internationalization has become very common to firms these days as they sell and buy products from variety of sources and places within and outside their domain. International marketing has made lives very easy as the availability of goods and services are anytime. India has been at the epic centre of all this happing and tectonic shifting in terms of market forces are concerned. The product/service compositions and strategies change, the approach towards the customers change, more importantly the entire marketing concepts are redesigned, keeping in mind the different sets of behavioral patterns of buyers. International marketing is along with domestic marketing have significant similarities. The firm which has substantial amount of experience in international marketing can use their global learning in catering local customers/users more effectively and with international expertise which can satisfy the customers better and can put the company into a very dominating position. On the contrary international marketing helped firms to performed better and earned revenues/profits.

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