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The study attempted to understand the level of awareness and the perception of tax payers with respect to various tax saving options available to them for saving taxes and to identify the factors motivating salaried class employees to pay taxes on time. This study was conducted in Pune Region and was conducted amongst salaried employees. The rational of considering only salaried class is their understanding of tax system and efforts to save the taxes and not to evade the one. It can be seen from the studies that salaried employees are the system abiding people considering the coercive sanctions behind the system. The study was also an attempt to see as in which tax saving options are popular in the target group to save the taxes. Research methodology used includes descriptive stats, Correlation analysis, and exploratory factor analysis. The study included 400 people. The sampling was random and convenient. The responses were gathered mainly from the I.T. workforce. The research suggested that investment in Mutual fund through SIP is majorly popular amongst the respondents.

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