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Sericulture is an agro based, ancient and effective sub- branch of agriculture. India is the country where there are lot of resources and labor. Sericulture industry is beneficial to rural, poor and tribal people providing opportunities for the improvement of their livelihood. Silk has got tremendous importance in our country which is used during wedding functions or widely used during festival seasons.  Apart from production of silk, sericulture also produce number of by-products from mulberry plantation and silkworm. Thus the sericulture farm waste is converted into valuable waste by adopting suitable technology. The conversion of sericulture waste into nutrient based vermicompost by using earthworm species Eosina foetida can be recycled into organic manure. This improves the soil fertility and crop production. Use of sericulture waste will ultimately add value to industry as a whole. On the other hand it will help lot of poor, rural and the farmers of Maharashtra who is fighting for their livelihood every day and facing various problems like suicides.

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