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The contemporary women writers of the world are preoccupied with exposing the various
reasons behind the gender subjugation even after the emergence of scientific growth, which,
undoubtedly, has abolished many irrational beliefs of human beings. The women literary writers
and critics have formed a lot number of feminist schools. These writers have the common
opinion that women are not given fair treatment by the social frame work of any country. At the
beginning stage, the women felt their absence in politics; hence they fought for the equality in
politics. Later, they felt the mere political equality is not enough to make sure of women’s
emancipation. So that, they started to be obsessed with their economic dependency on men.
Further, they assumed that the economic independence would provide what they had expected.
Some of the revolutionary women of the twentieth century avowed that women are marginalized
mainly because of the deep rooted psychology of human beings. Simone De Beauvoir is a fine
example for this type of women writers. According to them sensibility of women is purely an
external force, which affects the entire social structure as that is obviously biased. The modern
women writers have got one more conviction that the biological difference between men and

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