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Wireless Sensor Networks used for pre-detection of disasters. Here we have discussed the basic architecture of WSNs and how these can be used in disaster management. There are numerous research methods dealing with disaster management and emergency response that use wireless sensor networks technologies. Indeed, WSNs offer a good alternative compared to traditional ad hoc networks. The major reasons for mass destruction are Earthquake and Tsunami. Millions of lives are lost owing to these. Disaster, be it natural or man-made has a catastrophic impact on lives, money and infrastructure. Therefore, we need to take serious measures to ensure our safety from these disasters. WSNs are a novel technology which can be cooperative in these situations. This propose system addresses this problem in disaster data collection based on cluster-based and WSNs in which cluster heads transmit data to nodal center for analysis the data by one-hop communication, and proposes an energy efficient cluster-based disaster data collection algorithm (ECDDC). Therefore, this system needs to take serious measures to ensure our safety from these disasters data. The experimental result shows the better performance compare with existing data collection.


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