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Health care waste consists of solid, liquid and gaseous waste contaminated with organic and inorganic substance including pathogenic radionuclide generated from in vitro analysis of body microorganisms. Hospital waste possesses serious tissues and fluid. WHO (1999) reported that, about 85% of health hazard to the health workers, public and air hospital waste is non-hazardous, 10% infective and 5% flora on the area not infective and 5% flora on the area not infective and 5% flora on the area not reported that the value could generated within the hospital environment could be increased from 15% to 35% depending on the total groups amount. In this Present study three types of samples were collected from outside environment of the hospital. A total of three samples were collected and eight different bacteria isolated from these samples. The bacterial pathogens were characterized by different bio-chemical test. The antibiotic sensitivity was performed by disc diffusion discs.

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