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Human Resource function is all managerial actions carried out at any level regarding the organization of work and the entry, development and exit of people in the organization so that their competencies are used at their best in order to achieve corporate objectives. It includes the actors, as well as their relevant responsibilities and tasks. The actors, who participate in HR function, do not limit to HR departments, but involving all the people at any level. The actors of HR function are HR professionals, Line managers and Employees. Human resource management has developed for almost twenty years; and the HR function has changed a lot from the activities to management level. Transformation is the act or an instance of transforming or the state of being transformed. Transformation refers to the changing of appearance or form, and it can also be the changing of nature, function, or condition. Information technology is expected to improve the performance of Human Resource Management (HRM) by shifting its focus from administration or personnel management to strategic HRM. The strategic role of HRM is supposed to add value to the HR function, and leads the essence of HR function to transform. Information technology sustains reaching the HR goals moderately; precise plan of implementation of HR information system can significantly support HR strategy in the company to attain defined key performance indicators.

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