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Present paper deals with airborne concentration of Nigrospraspores over the Sunflower fields by using Volumetric continuous Tilak Air Sampler was employed for exploring fungal airspora over a Sunflower field at Kada, Tal.Ashti, Dist.Beed.1stJuly to 30th September 2002 for first Kharif season and from 10thNovember 2003 to 29thFebruary 2004 for First Rabi season. The present paper deals with airborne concentration of Nigrospraspores over sunflower fields. The concentration of airborne Nigrospraspores was assessed and the roles of the metrological parameters over the spore concentration were discussed. The spore concentration was maximum (6160/m3and10472/m3of air) in the month of September 2002 and December 2003during first Kharif season and first Rabi seasonrespectively. Metrological parameters such as Rainfall, Relativehumidity. Wind velocity and temperature showed significant effect on liberation of spores of Nigrosprain the airsporacomposition qualitatively and quantitatively.

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