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The Banking system of India should not only hassle free but it should able to meet new technology and any other external and internal factors. Without sound and effective banking system in India it cannot have healthy economy. The reserve bank of India also imposed some restrictions on new banks with respect to opening branches, with a view to maintain the economy growth of nations. The enhanced regulatory oversight would help the system by elimination of excesses, create a cleaner framework for asset quality recognition, substantially improve corporate governance standards and inculcate financial discipline in borrowers. The Indian government has carried out important market-oriented reforms. We’ve just released our annual Doing Business report, which measures ease of doing business. For the third year in a row, India is in the top ten in terms of improvements. During that period, it has jumped from 142nd in the Doing Business rankings to 63rd. Percent the new report, it’s easier than it was a year ago to a new business, get a construction permit and trade goods across the border. India’s economy is facing challenges, with consumption softening and investment slowing. Globally, bond yields have fallen into low or negative territory for several top bond issuers, benefiting an increasingly narrow group but leaving the productive investments needed for broad-based growth under-funded, including in India.

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