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Nowadays people are very much curious to purchase household appliances. As opportunity increases to earn income, where individual economic condition is improved which induces them to purchase household appliances. Not only because of the income generation its also because of the necessity to buy those appliances to run day today life easily.Among these household appliances energy efficient appliances are designed to save energy in human life. In this research, the researcher focusses on the  technology acceptance attitude of consumers to purchase energy efficient appliances with the combined framework of  the theory of planned behaviour. The research was empirically tested using convenience sampling from 50 respondents based on mainly the energy efficient appliances like Air conditioners, flat screen televisions, refrigerators, Washing machines and water heaters. This research tried to find out the purchase intensions based on Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behaviour and it found that Using energy-efficient appliances is a social trend under subjective norms, it also indicates that there is no significant relationship between the gender and  Purchase intentions like perceived ease to use, perceived usefulness, consumers’ attitudes. Subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, in relation to Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of planned behaviour.

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