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Retailing is the largest private industry in India. Organized retailing is poised to become the business of this decades in India. Unorganized retail sector has a significant development in the past 10years. With unprecedented growth in corporate retailing, online retailing and with the entry of foreign retail players, the Indian market has caused concern that the small and marginal unorganized retailers will be adversely affected.  Malls are seen as more convenient than public streets, with their spacious parking’s, well-maintained walkways, and private security guards. The shopping mall evolved into an important social center. Its draw stemmed not so much from special events as from the fact that probably no other place. This paper discusses about the impact of shopping malls on unorganized retail outlets in Thoothukudi dist. Shopping malls attract buyers and sellers, by providing different choices as well as a variety ways of shopping experience. A strategic competition is existing among the unorganized retailers and malls to attract the customers.


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