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Banking sector acts as a catalytic agent in economic growth of any country. Indian banking industry has undergone major metamorphosis as a consequence of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization) of economic policy 1991. Only banks with high level of financial performance will be able to survive in the long run. As per Heffernan et. al.  (2008) higher the levels of EI a relationship manager possesses, higher the profitability of the bank will be. Literature reviewed postulates that more the number of women in company financial performance Ghaeli, R. Md. (2019). Therefore, organizations need to understand the importance of Emotional intelligence while hiring the employees at key positions. The purpose of the current study is to find out the influence of demographic variables namely, age and gender on emotional intelligence among groups of bank managers in Western Rajasthan. The study has been conducted on sample of 367 bank managers in.

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