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This paper focuses on the erosion of values in contemporary American society as portrayed in the play “American Bufflao” written by David Mamet.Mamet was born in the city state of Chicago on 30th November 1947. In 1977, he was given The New York Drama Critics award for the best play to his “American Buffalo”. He established himself as a major new voice in the American dramatic world and got universal acclaim. Mamet thinks of, for the erosion of values in the society. Mamet suggests through his characters that the existential circumstances of man in the society change the life style of the man. Mamet finds that man, living in the society, feels very difficult to come out from the social set up. He surrenders himself to a social set up. In spite of that man lives under the pressure of inevitable changes and social structures, Mamet puts the blame on individual man. Mamet claims that it is individual responsibility that causes the erosion of values. Mamet, through his characters, makes his audience think here. His characters finally express the need for values.

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