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Africa relieved from European authority by the second half of twentieth century. This independence becomes a truth after long years of struggle in which both men and women equally participated. Ngugi Wa Thiongo through his works tells us the importance of feminine in African society. I will marry when I want (1982) is an attempt in this regard.  Europe was successful in demolishing the rich peasant culture of Africa into a westernized modernity and forced its women into prostitution. Petals of Blood (1977)  is about this English tactics. It tells the factors that dumped the new independent Africa into poverty, prostitution and diseases. This paper is a rationale study about I will marry when I want and Petals of Blood. Also it takes into consideration the condition of women through the character of Wanja in “Petals of Blood”.  The paper shows a humanistic approach towards the state of such women. Also through Barrel of a Pen (1982), Ngugi Wa Thiongo gives a solution for this urban poverty and decadences.

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