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The concept of learning and thinking styles have been advocating that every learner or trainee has his unique style of thinking and learning which enables him to learn best. Therefore for making improvement in teaching learning process teacher needs to diagnose the styles of learning of his students and to prescribe those instructional treatments matching thinking and learning styles of students. Thinking Styles look at the way a candidate prefers to receive information via their senses, the way they interact with people and the way that they prefer to solve problems and handle tasks at work. Thinking Styles is a study of how and why Homo sapiens think and could be classified as interactive and reciprocal mental self government psychology. Thinking styles might provide a basis for tailoring the mode of presentation as well as the nature and degree of substantive structure to functional characteristics of learners, so as to develop, compensate for, or capitalize upon student characteristics for the optimization of subject matter learning. The students at Secondary level have different Learning Styles and Hemispheric Preferences.

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