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The most accepted definition currently for the term transgender seems tobe “People who were assigned a gender, usually at birth and based ontheir genitals, but who feel that this is a false or incomplete description ofthemselves.” It isoften used as an umbrella term to mean those who defy rigid, binarygender constructions, and who express or present a breaking and/orblurring of culturally prevalent/stereotypical gender roles. Transgenderedpersons usually live full or part time in the gender role opposite to the onein which they were born. The termtransgender does not imply any specific form of sexual orientation;transgenderpeoplemayidentifyas heterosexual, homosexualoras bisexual.The term trans man refers to female-to-male (F2M) transgenderpeople, and trans woman refers to male-to-female (M2F) transgenderpeople. Some transgender individuals experience their gender identity asincongruent with their anatomical sex and may seek some degree of sexreassignment surgery, take hormones or undergo other cosmeticprocedures. Others may pursue gender expression (masculine orfeminine) through external self-presentation and behavior.

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