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This paper is designed primarily to understand the importance of women entrepreneurship in economic development of a country. Women entrepreneurship is an essential part of human resource development. The development of women entrepreneurship is very low in India, especially in the rural areas. Women have become aware of their existence, their rights and their work situation. However, women of middle class are not too eager to change their role in fear of social backlash. The progress is more visible among upper class families in urban cities. In traditional societies, women were confined within the four walls of houses performing household activities. In modern societies, they have come out to participate in all sorts of activities. The global evidences prove that women have been performing exceedingly well in different spheres of activities like academia, politics, administration, social work and so on. Entrepreneurship is a more suitable profession for women than regular employment in public and private sectors since they have to fulfil dual roles. This study analysed the socio-economic conditions of women entrepreneurs in Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu.


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