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Agriculture, being one of the most important sectors, is the largest livelihood provider along with its allied sectors especially in the rural areas. With the advent of technology, it is only fitting to use it for the benefits of the farmers by applying them to obtain improved quality and quantity of agricultural products also with lesser economic expenditure, proficient use of natural resources, controlled use of chemicals and hence preventing soil degradation. Following the Green revolution in the 1960s, our country has been able to increase the food production in multiple folds due to the high input application which includes pesticides, fertilizers,etc.Taking these factors into consideration, this district was chosen to be the study location to analyze the knowledge level of tomato growers on precision farming practices in the Dharmapuri district.By means of random sampling technique, a sample size of 120 tomato growing farmers was chosen for this study. It could be perceived from the study that slightly more than fifty per cent of the respondents had high level of knowledge on precision farming practices in tomato crop followed by 30 percent of the respondents who had medium level of knowledge. Only 18.33 per cent of respondents had low knowledge level.

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