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In the present study, we have demonstrated the renoprotctive extract of C. sativum (CS) seeds. CSwas evaluated for its possible role in mitigation of diabetic nephropathy (DN) in Streptozotocin (STZ)induced type 2 diabetes model. Administration of CSEt at doses of 10mg/100g for 45 days has produced significant attenuation of elevated biochemical parameters including serum glucose, lipid and creatinine levels. CShas also reversed albuminuria and elevated creatinine clearance in treated diabetic rats. Advanced glycation end products formation in kidneys was also considerably reduced along with NF-κ B was noteworthy. In conclusion, using STZ- model, we have successfully predicted that by assets of bioactive constituents CS might inhibit the progression of DN. C. sativum may act as potential adjuvant for antidiabetic therapy and needs to be investigated further.

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